Do not sign this shipment until you have thoroughly inspected for any damage including possible concealed damages.
When checking for damage, be sure to check the case thoroughly and don’t let the driver rush you. You have every right to sign the paperwork from the driver after properly inspecting for any hidden damage.
Report any damages in 72 hours
Shipper is not responsible for any damages that are not signed by the receiver. If these directions are not followed, Yoshimasa will not be liable for any damages not reported by the receiving party on the paperwork signed and handed to the driver. If there is damage and it was not noted, the product will be considered delivered in good condition.
YOSHIMASA will not be responsible for any damages that are not reported within 72 hours after delivery.
Also the use of lift gate and inside delivery is not part of our standard shipping service package. That would result in an extra charge that the customer will have to pay.
Warranty Valid Only In USA & Canada 保証はアメリカとカナダのみ有効です
(When ordering a case going outside the USA, please specify electric voltage and hertz otherwise we will consider 115V.)
YOSHIMASA Self-contained (Refrigerated) Sushi Display Cases come with a warranty of one (1) year Parts (INCL. shipping & handling) & Labor and four (4) additional years Parts (NOT INCL. shipping & handling) on condenser, fan motor and compressor in USA and Canada Continent only. The warranty does not cover parts that may retain standard wear which includes doors, door rails, or LED lights. This warranty is subject to all of the terms and conditions listed below. The warranty card furnished with this unit must be properly filled and returned to YOSHIMASA (online Warranty Registration is provided at as well) within twelve (12) days from the date of purchase. Failure to warranty registration will automatically void all warranties and only one (1) year Parts service program will be activated instead. YOSHIMASA warrants to the original purchaser (End User/Restaurant), the YOSHIMASA unit sold, and all parts thereof to be free from defects in material or workmanship, under normal use and proper maintenance required, and service for a period of one (1) year from the date of sale or twelve (12) months from date of shipment by us, whichever occurs first. Our obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing FOB factory any of such products that prove to be defective and which our examination shall disclose to our satisfaction to be defective. For equipment dealers (retailers) and distributors (wholesalers), the warrantly will start automatically (18) months after Yoshimasa ships out your order. Yoshimasaは冷蔵付きネタケースに対して製品自体に問題があった場合、アメリカ国内。及びカナダ内においては一年間の部品と工賃を保証致します。それから更に4年間のコンデンサー、コンプレッサー、ファンモーターの部品を保証致します。この保証は以下に述べた諸条件を満たすことによります。ユニットに付随の保証書へ記入の上、Yoshimasaまで返送してください。(オンラインでの保証書登録はYOSHIMASAusa.comから)登録はお買い上げから12日以内に済ませて下さい。登録を怠ると、自動的にすべての保証が無効となり、1年間の部品と工賃のみの保証となります。保証対象はYoshimasaから商品を購入されたご本人様に対して有効であり、購入された日あるいは工場からの配送日より1年間/12か月、これは正常な使用の元で起こった部品の故障、製品に起こった欠損についてのみ無償で修理致します。補償義務にもと付き当社規定検査によって不備の確認後 保証規定内の修理、もしくはF.O.B工場へ返送し商品の取り換えを致します。
A. Any parts returned to the company under the terms of this warranty must be accompanied with the record of the model number, serial number, and return authorization number which will be given by the company, and such return shall be on the basis of transportation charges prepaid. 保証期間内に製品返送の場合は どの部品にも登録書に記されたモデルナンバー、シリアルナンバー、そして弊社より出された返送認可ナンバーが必要となります。尚返送に際しての送料はお客様負担となります。
B. Improper operation due to low voltage condition, inadequate wiring, and accidental damages are not manufacturing defects, and the purchaser strictly holds the full responsible for them. 低ボルトによる取り扱い、不適切なコードの接続、また事故による損傷が生じた場合はお客様の責任となり当社の保証は適用されません。
C. Air filter and condenser coils must be cleaned at regular intervals of every two (2) weeks and three (3) months accordingly. Failure to do so may cause compressor to malfunction and will void warranty. This contract does not apply outside the limits of the USA and Canada, nor does it to any parts which have been subject of misuse, neglect, alteration, accident or to any damage caused by transportation, flood, fire, or the acts of God. This contract is not effective unless the YOSHIMASA Warranty Card furnished with each unit is properly filled out and mailed back to the company within twelve (12) days from the date of purchase. The term “Original purchaser” as used herein shall be deemed to refer to that person, firm, association, or company for whom the refrigeration unit refers to herein is originally installed.エアーフィルターは2週間ごと、コンデンサーコイルは3か月ごとに定期的なクリーニングが必要です。この掃除を怠ると コンプレッサーが機能不全となりこれに対しての保証は適用されませんので、ご注意下さい。保証はアメリカ及びカナダ国内以外の場所では無効であり、また、誤操作、改造、取り扱い方法の欠如、運送会社サイドの事故や破損、洪水や火事等の災害による故障は保証されません。この保証は商品を購入されたご本人様に対してのものとし、購入されたご本人様が所属する商会、組合、会社に設置されたことに基付きます。
YOSHIMASA Remote (Non-Refrigerated) Sushi Display Cases come with 90 day parts in USA and Canada Continent only. The warranty card furnished with this unit must be properly filled and returned to YOSHIMASA (online Warranty Registration is provided at as well) within twelve (12) days from the date of purchase. Failure to warranty registration will automatically void all warranties. Yoshimasaリモートタイプ(冷蔵無しネタケース)アメリカ国内とカナダのみ90日間の部品保証を致します。この保証は以下に述べた諸条件を満たすことによります。ユニットに付随の保証書へ記入の上、Yoshimasaまで返送してください。(オンラインでの保証書登録はYOSHIMASAusa.comから)登録はお買い上げから12日以内に済ませて下さい。登録を怠ると、自動的にすべての保証が無効となります。
When installing our remote units, we ask that you use a Micron Gauge (up to 1000 or lower) to examine for any possible leaks before charging any refrigerant. The remote cases are not covered under any labor warranty, since once the case has installed, we presume there was no leak present. If there are any leaks found after installation, we would not cover under warranty since you need to be checking for leaks at the time of installation.
リモートユニットを設置する際は、冷媒を充填する前に、Micron Gauge(最大1000以下)を使用して漏れの可能性を調べることをお勧めします。ケースが設置されると、リークが存在しないと推定されるため、リモートケースは労働保証の対象外です。インストール後にリークが見つかった場合、インストール時にリークをチェックする必要があるため、保証対象外となります。
Sushi display cases are NOT allowed to run 24 hours. They are only meant to run at an ideal time frame of 8-14hrs maximum. They are not to be used for storage purposes, but only to display during business hours as per the health department. The compressor will get damaged, malfunction, or completely stop running which will result in having to replace it with a new compressor if there is continuous use going over the maximum usage limit of 18hrs. Please turn on right before business hour and turn off the case right after business hour and clean the cases. Any compressor damages from running over hours or 24 hour continuous running will not be honored by the warranty. In case the cases are used at a 24hr running restaurant such as a 24hr buffet restaurant, they still need to be turned off for at least 2-3hrs every 8-15hrs.
Condensing units are not returnable. 凝縮ユニットは返却できません。
Warranty Claims: All labor claims or parts must include copy of original invoice submitted directly to YOSHIMASA. All claims must include a copy of original invoice (Customer Name, Customer Address, Model Name, and Date of Sale), Customer Name, Address, Phone Number, Model and Serial Number of the unit, Date of Sale, Distributor Name, and a Brief Description of Complaint. On all compressor warranties the compressor model tag must be returned to YOSHIMASA along with the above listed information. All return shipments must be prepaid. All claims must be reported to YOSHIMASA within one (1) year of occurrence. Condener, fan motor and compressors have additional four (4) years warranty coverage. This warranty will not be effective unless the warranty card is returned to YOSHIMASA or registered thru online at within twelve (12) days from the date of purchase. Warranty registration can be confirmed by contacting YOSHIMASA directly.補償請求:すべての工賃、部品の請求にはインボイスの原本コピーが必要であり、保証は以下に述べた諸条件を満たすことによります。すべての請求にはその原本コピーに(お客様の名前、住所、機種(モデル)、販売日)があること、またお客様の名前、住所、電話番号、モデル名、シリアルナンバー、購入元(会社)、をご記入の上、苦情内容を簡潔に説明していただくことが必要となります。コンプレッサーの保証にはモデルタグを上記の書類とともにYoshimasaへ返送してください。返品にかかる送料はお客様負担となります。すべてのクレームは発生後1年以内にYoshimasaへ報告しなければなりません。コンデンサー、ファンモーター、コンプレッサーはこれより更に4年間の保証となります。登録はお買い上げから12日以内に済ませて下さい。登録を怠ると、自動的にすべての保証が無効となります。保証登録の確認をご希望の際は直接Yoshimasaまでご連絡下さい。
Non-Warranty Claims: YOSHIMASA is limited to either repair or replacement of parts, including labor only. This warranty does authorize any person(s) to assume any obligation or liability other than what the warranty permits. This warranty will be voided if such action does occur. Any attempts to repair YOSHIMASA products without an official job number issued by YOSHIMASA will void all of the warranty, and the services will not be compensated. This warranty does not apply to any parts, which have been subject to misuse, neglect, alteration, accident, or to any visible or concealed damage caused by transportation, flood, fire, etc. If the original SERIAL number tag is removed from the unit, the warranty will be voided.保証規定外:ヨシマサは、修理、部品の取替え、工賃のみも含み保証に限定があります。この保証は、保証が認められるお客様に対して、また保証規定以外に考えられる状況について義務、責任に権限を持ちます。以下による故障、損傷には保証されません。ヨシマサによる公式な製品番号なしでの修理サービス依頼は、保証規定外となり、修理費等が発生しません。間違った取り扱い、放置、改造、事故、洪水、火災、輸送による外傷、隠れた部分の損傷について、保証されません。オリジナルのシリアル番号タグをネタケースから外した場合、保証は無効となりますのでご注意下さい
Concealed Damage Example: The Styrofoam may hide any hidden dents on the shipment that may not be completely visible. You must inspect all corners and body thoroughly. If the carrier stacks any contents on the units this may cause damage or break to the glass door units from the inside.
Additional Four (4) Years Parts Warranty: This warranty is limited to the condenser, fan motor and compressor only of the refrigerated unit. All return shipments must be prepaid. YOSHIMASA is not liable for any parts of the case for the period of time. 更に4年の保証:この保証はコンデンサー、ファンモーター、コンプレッサーに限られたものです。返送料金はお客様負担となります。この間にキャビネットに関してのパーツは含まれません。
What Is Not Covered By This Warranty: Spoilage of Product – No claims can be made against this warranty for any spoilage of products, such as food, loss of sales, or consequential damages. YOSHIMASA is not responsible for the repair or replacement of any parts that have been subjected after the date of manufacture to alteration, neglect, abuse, misuse, accidents, damage during transit or installation, fire, flood, or acts of God. Warranty Is Not Transferable – This warranty is not assignable and applies only to the original purchaser/user to whom delivered. Any such assignment or transfer will void this warranty and all other warranties implied. Improper Usage – YOSHIMASA is not liable in any way for parts or labor coverage for component failure or other damages resulting from improper usage or installation or failure to clean and/or maintain product as mentioned in the warranty packet provided with the unit. This includes but is not limited to operation of products outside recommended ambient temperature range(68º F to 77º F). Dealers & Distributors – YOSHIMASA is not liable, and the warranty is not valid, for products purchased from an authorized dealer or distributor if the authorized dealer or distributor has not paid YOSHIMASA in full. Outside USA and Canada – This warranty does not apply to, and YOSHIMASA is not responsible for, any warranty claims made on the products sold or used outside the United States and Canada. Relocation of Case for Repair – YOSHIMASA is not responsible for any costs to relocate a case for any reason from its standard operating position within the customer’s premises to make a warranty repair. Non OEM Parts(Original Equipment Manufacturer Parts) – Any usage of non OEM parts without YOSHIMASA’s approval will void the warranty. Improper Electrical Connections – YOSHIMASA is not responsible for the repair or replacement of failed or damaged components resulting from electrical power failure, the use of extension cords, low voltage, fluctuating supply voltage, wrong supply voltage, or voltage interference to the unit. No Implied Warranty of Merchantability or Fitness for a Particular Purpose – There are no other warranties, expressed, implied or statutory, except the one (1) year Parts (INCL. shipping & handling) & Labor and four (4) additional years on condenser, fan motor and compressor (NOT INCL. shipping & handling) warranty on Self-contained (Refrigerated) Sushi Display Cases only as described above. These warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, including implied warranty and merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. There are no warranties, which extend beyond this mentioned description. Remote Unit – YOSHIMASA warrants the original purchaser of the Remote (Non-Refrigerated) unit for 90 days parts thereof to be free from defects in material or workmanship, under proper use and maintenance service, as specified by YOSHIMASA. This warranty is limited to the case only. YOSHIMASA it is not liable for any costs accrued due to installation service charges or issues caused by installation including any gas leaks or damage caused by use of improper components and installation. Instruction Compliance – YOSHIMASA is not liable for any result from the failure to comply with the instructions and guides provided with the user’s manual and attached on the products.
GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement and its performance shall be governed by the laws of the state of California, United States of America, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. You consent and submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Los Angeles county, the state of California, United States of America, in all questions and controversies arising out of your use of YOSHIMASA
腐ってしまった食料品– 結果として起こる損傷、食品のいたみ売り上げ減は、保証外となります。ヨシマサユによって製造後、改造、放置、乱用、間違った取り扱い、事故、輸送中及び設置中の故障、火災、洪水、自然災害による、いかなる部品の取替え、修理には当社といたしまして、保証に応じられませんのでご注意願います。
保証譲渡禁止について – この保証は他人に譲渡することはできません。商品の配達先である購入者ご本人様のみ、保証されます。いかなる譲渡、譲受人による保証は無効となり、全ての保証は適用されません。
間違った使用について – ヨシマサは、保証規定に明記している通り、間違った取り扱いや設置、商品を維持する上での清掃の怠ったことによる故障、部品故障、損傷に対して発生する工賃、部品の責任はありません。これは寿司ケース周囲の温度設定を68º F to 77º Fの範囲以外に保つことも含まれていますが、これに限定されません。
アメリカ、カナダ以外について – ヨシマサは、アメリカ、カナダ以外において販売され、もしくは使用された商品について、いかなるクレーム、保証の責任はありません。
間違った電気接続について – ヨシマサユは、間違った電気接続について生じた部品故障修理、取替え、延長コードの使用、低ボルト、ボルト混信による修理に責任はありません。 故意に商品を改定改ざんよる保証不可について – 法律上罰せられる行為による保証は認められません。
ヨシマサはリモートユニット設置に際して設置費用や設置の際に起きた問題、例えばガス漏れ 組み立て、設置の間違いなどの理由で生じた,いかなる費用にも保証はありません。
Tel. (800)789-9835 Fax. (800)789-9836