Yoshimasa assumes no liability regarding the improper installation or misapplication of its products. It is the installer’s responsibility to check for proper installation. Under no circumstances will Yoshimasa be liable for any labor charged or travel time incurred installation of its products. Damage caused by improper installation is the installer’s responsibility and Yoshimasa assumes no liability. The following instructions only set an outline for product installation.
Yoshimasaは お買い求め頂いた製品に対して適切な設置を怠たったり、間違った使用をした為に起こるすべての責任を負いません。設置ミスのために生じた不具合は設置業者に責任があります。また、Yoshimasaはどのような理由であれ製品設置に際しての人件費及び出張時間の費用の支払い義務はありません。不適切な設置方法で生じた製品の損傷はそれを設置した業者に責任があり、Yoshimasaとは関係がないと考えます。以下の説明は設置に際してのアウトラインです。
Before you install a self-contained (Refrigerated) sushi display case, please read the User’s Manual link on our website. While reading, pay extra attention to Warranty Issues. Upon fully understanding the unit, including the pathway of AIRFLOW in the condensing unit, follow the step-by-step instructions below:
The counter top should be flat and have wide and long enough room to give the condensing unit of the sushi case free flow of air. カウンタートップは水平で、コンデンサーユニットの空気口を塞がず、温かい空気が自由に排気できるよう十分なスペースをあけてください。 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please carefully locate a place that the unit can avoid any sort of heating appliance such as an oven, rice cooker, gas range, fan etc. If they are to be with the unit in the same area, please place the unit at least 6-foot (72-inch) away from them. オーブン、炊飯器、ガスコンロ、ファンなどの熱が出る電化製品の近くには、寿司ネタケースを設置しないで下さい。やむをえない場合は183センチメートル以上話してください。 |
Condensing unit side is much havier than the other side, so be careful when taking it out of the shipping box.
If the condensing unit side is to be next to a closed wall, the Airflow OUTLET has to be at least 6-inch away from the wall otherwise the compressor will get serious damage. Blocking airflow is a direct violation of the warranty terms and the warranty will be canceled.
コンデンサーユニットが壁に近く空気口が塞がれると、自由に暖かい空気が排気できず、深刻なコンプレッサーの故障の原因になりますので、少なくとも16セ ンチ以上壁から離してください。 空気口を塞ぐことは保証の対象外となり、保証がキャンセルされます。
Suppose installing two Sushi Cases (one with the Condensing unit on the LEFT, the other with on the RIGHT), we DO NOT recommend that two condensing units’ sides meet together side-to-side on the same counter top because warm air from the OUTLET of the condensing unit will affect each other. It is considered as blocking air flow. In this case, however, we highly recommend that those units be set apart at least 24-inch from each other.
2台の寿司ネタケースを同じカウンタートップに設置する場合(コンデンサーユニットが左側、もう一つのネタケースのコンデンサーユニットが右側)両方のコ ンデンサーユニットが隣同士にならないようにしてください。両方の空気口から温かい空気が排気されるので、コンプレッサーの間に熱が生じ故障の原因になり ます。空気口を塞いでいることになります。やむをえない理由で設置しなければならない場合、2台のネタケースのコンデンサーユニット同士が少なくとも61 センチメートル離れるようにしてください。
We DO NOT also recommend that two condensing units’ sides cross at a right angle or any acute angle for the same reason explained above. It is considered as blocking air flow. Please put the sushi cases apart at least 17-inch from each other.
For a better look if you apply our custom-made Joint Box between two sushi cases where two Condensing units’ sides cross, make big enough room (each side of Joint Box should be at least 12″ long) for OUTLET Airflow otherwise it is considered as blocking air flow. Making several big holes on the top of the Joint Box would be a good idea.
見栄えのため、2台の寿司ネタケースのコンデンサーユニットが交差する角度のところに建具を作られる場合は、30センチメートル強の十分なスペースを取っ て下さい。そうしない場合は空気口を塞いでいることになります。建具の上部に穴をあけて、自由な空気の排気が出来るようにするのも良いです。
We DO NOT also recommend that two condensing units’ sides cross at a right angle or any acute angle for the same reason explained above. It is considered as blocking air flow. Please put the sushi cases apart at least 17-inch from each other.
DO NOT block the INLET and OUTLET Airflow pathway by putting things such as menu, decorative stuff, food cans, ingredient containers, personal belongings, etc. Keep the air pathway clear at all times otherwise it is considered as blocking air flow.
Use a 115VAC, 60Hz, 1 phase, 15 amp DEDICATED outlet, but DO NOT share or overload multi-way outlet sockets in the same circuit for any other electric appliance. Sharing power outlet in the same circuit is a direct violation of the warranty terms and the warranty will be canceled. Also we DO NOT recommend use any type of extension power strip.
All sushi cases are designed to opertate in an environment of 77°F ambient temperature with 55% relative humidity.*